Mobile Pos Shopping List Software For Pocket PC Windows Mobile With POS Style Interface?

Shopping List software for Pocket PC Windows Mobile with POS style interface? - mobile pos

I would like a shopping list software for my smartphone like, but what I saw, checklists are simply too complex or simple.

I want a program that is a selling point in the search for an item in a database to put a shopping cart, enter the amount by the total cost, how it works. I would like to alter the way the quantity or price, and add an element once MISC is not in the database. I also have Pocket Excel, I am not sure whether it is a wise way to something like that, with the limitations of Office Mobile. I searched and have not found anything I like. Ideas?


VBAXLMan said...

Try these sites also

If I were you I would put it in Pocket Excel, step by step through doing of functions

It is true that Excel is limited, but we can do much to


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