Beard Sculpting What Is Better, Laser Hair Removal Or Electrolysis?

What is better, Laser hair removal or electrolysis? - beard sculpting

If money is no problem, but the side effects and the overall results is that better? I think to get my beard, as I want, but I do not know if I should get laser hair removal or electrolysis.


devil doll said...

Lasers in any case ..
which is more modern and, yes, it will hurt, but much weaker than the others ..
and the small number of sessions required ..
therefore less expensive.
Good luck!

Maddy G said...

I've done laser hair removal on their legs, as recently
and so far have had no problem with it:)
My friend is what is in her face so I think the good as well:)
but make sure you do not want the way is your beard to change in order to reach their
cuz when your past will not again;)
But if you want, then I would say that laser hair removal is a good way to go:)
Good luck:)

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