Aquariums Delivered What Are All The Parts I Need To Buy To Have A CO2 Tank That Delivers CO2 To The Aquarium And Shuts At Night?

What are all the parts I need to buy to have a CO2 tank that delivers CO2 to the aquarium and shuts at night? - aquariums delivered

I know I need a regulator into the tank, but otherwise I do not know what I need. Also, I do not want two different things, serve the same purpose, they need to know what I need to buy before I go and buy everything.


nosoop4u... said...

With the controller (which is essential to prevent CO poisoning 2) to have something that you generate CO2 in the form of an expensive container, pressure, a bottle of yeast, sugar and water can take ... Depending on how much money you spend, the size of the tank, and vary the type of plants you have, your CO2 reactor can. An easy pot (like you find on a paintball gun or can) a fire extinguisher filled with pure CO2 and connected to a valve timing out. You can have a 2-liter bottle of soda, but that does not go at night, which can be dangerous to fish ... There are also very effective "blocks" running power lines through them, their oxidation, the release of CO2. This can be closed easily connected to a timer, it is not necessary or pipes, and must be recharged every 3-4 months. Less than $ 50 for the machine itself, and $ 10.15 for replacement is much cheaper than a pressure vessel and efficient and reliable than the bottle of soda ... Feel free to contact me if you have one,and questions.

Soop Nazi

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