Peeing In Mainstream Movies Why Do So Many Mainstream Movies Show People At The Toilet? It's Disgusting?

Why do so many mainstream movies show people at the toilet? It's disgusting? - peeing in mainstream movies

Relatively few films have been released showing men pee in the urinal, and the men and women sitting on the toilet taking a crap, I do not see people on the toilet in a movie --
There are many examples from the top of my head, took the child to fly in "The Sixth Sense" and Tom Hanks character UTI Green Mile and disgusting, "the principal actor to urinate and drink clean filtered urine in" Waterworld. "
But I've got the scene in Dumb and Dumber Kacken admit, was very funny.
Does anyone else find the frequency of "piss" scenes movies totally weird?


barthebe... said...

You're right. Now the question is "What is the definition of the general public?" You sound as the integration. Unfortunately, the stupidity of the mass is held. This does not mean you have to go to the movies, however. I am very difficult to find a good anymmore. create ads that big, then, was when you look at, you see the best in the ad.

Anonymous said...

Do you know someone I am glad that others feel this way. Am I completely agree. Also adding people in the comedies of humor and I think it is outrageous that people with humor

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