How To Stop Loose Stools In Horses Can Soy Milk Cause Loose Stools In Toddler?

Can soy milk cause loose stools in toddler? - how to stop loose stools in horses

My son has acid reflux, leading to an increase in the poor presentation, documentation set Pediasure in the middle, half whole milk. He did well, but when it came out of his reflux medication stopped eating and lost wieght, his doc put him on medication and told us, is not for everyone Pediasure milk for its weight, he still does not give the appetite for solid food and has begun, with loose stools, but remained stable. Docs think, although you may have allergic reactions to Pediasure for what we are doing a trial version of soy milk to see how milk. Would not drink for almost a week, but returned to normal bowel movements, constipation has been a few days and his appetite is back. We recommend doc flavor (no sugar, vanilla, Starbucks) on him and began to drink, like the Pediasure am, and it stillThe announcement of his appetite. Then all hell broke loose after a day and loose stools several times a day, even during sleep. Horrible smell was excited. We thought that maybe my husband was the taste with too much, so that they have a rule that only a few drops in 6 oz or less. It seems to do a lot of weight, but still loose stools worse than when I am on Pediasure, 3 or 4 times per day. Previously, he was once walking. Is it the soy milk? Nothing else in your diet has changed other than food intake more closely than before. All this happened in the last few months


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